Hedgehog Class (Reception)
This is the newsletter for Spring Term (1) January 2025.
Welcome to our new Reception starters. Attached is our newsletter for the Autumn term.
Summer 2 Newsletter
Summer (1) Newsletter
Summer 1
This term we have looked at animals and how we care for them. We started looking at our pets and we enjoyed sharing pictures of these and talking about them . We had a really fun trip to White Post Farm where we saw lots of animals and even handled some. At the beginning of the term we celebrated ‘Disney Day’ by dressing up and joining in with some activities. We also enjoyed a Boogie Bounce session!

Spring 2 2024
This half term we have read the story Jack and the Beanstalk. We have planted our own seeds and have written instructions to tell others how to grow seeds. We enjoyed celebrating World Book Day and at the end of the term had a great time celebrating Easter.

Spring Term 2 Newsletter
Spring 1 2024
This half term we have been looking at the Traditional Tales Red Riding Hood, The Gruffalo and Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We celebrated Chinese New Year, enjoyed a snow day and had a fantastic time at Tiny Town,

Spring 1 newsletter
Autumn 2 2023
This half term we have enjoyed looking at different celebrations which have included Bonfire night, Halloween, Remembrance, Christenings, Birthdays, Weddings, Divali and Christmas. We also had a really enjoyable trip to the Pantomime "Oh yes we did!!!!". The children have also been continuing their phonics learning and have started to read and write words and simple sentences using the phonics we have learnt. Have a great Christmas break and we will look forward to seeing you all back in the New Year.

Autumn 2 newsletter
Autumn 1 2023. The Hedgehog children have settled well into school. They have developed friendships, become confident in the class and around school and have explored learning through lots of activities both in and outdoors.

Term 1 newsletter Autumn 2023
Welcome Hedgehog Class 2023 - 2024
We welcome all new Hedgehog children and their families to our Hedgehog class.
Your teachers are;
Ms Davey
Mrs Allen (Monday to Wednesday)
Miss Brookes ( Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
We also have our class mascots Mabel, Henry and Bradley the hedgehogs who help us with our learning and may even come to stay for the weekend if you are our Dojo winner.
Our PE day is Friday and children can come dressed in PE kit this day.
we are so looking forward to an amazing year!
We have been busy planting lots of seeds. We started with cress seeds and beans and all the children planted a sunflower. I can’t wait to hear about how much they have grown.
In maths we have finding different ways to make 7 and some children are able to record the number bonds. Hedgehogs are maths superstars.
building with blocks
We have been busy building some great structures in the block area.
World Book Day
The children had a lovely day dressing up as their favourite character for World Book Day.They read and listened to stories, made castles, potions and wands and played the ‘Tiger who came to tea’. It was great having parents join in the fun.
Well done Hedgehog class, you were all superstars and very confident in our Christmas
Hedgehog class have been having lots of fun in maths. We have been subitising, counting and recognising shapes. We used our autumn collections to make repeating patterns.