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Henry Bradley Infant School

Reach for the Stars


The school SEND offer is the inclusive, accessible provision which supports children with special educational needs and disability to thrive. 

As a fully inclusive school, Henry Bradley Nursery Infant School is committed to identifying and providing for the needs of all children. Every teacher is a teacher of every child or young person including those with SEND; and all staff are trained in and adhere to our model of good practice. 

Children are recognised as individuals, with abilities and development needs which will vary across the curriculum. Class teachers and support staff are able to identify individual development requirements, and to provide lessons and activities which ensure good progress for pupils at all levels of ability. 

Where children’s needs require support beyond the level that can be appropriately be provided by the class teacher, the school plays a co-ordinating role which may include working with the local authority to source additional specialist support. 

As part of changes implemented by the Department for Education in 2014, all local authorities must publish information about how they support SEND pupils. This is called the ‘Local Offer.’ 

SEN Information Report 2024-25

  • The school SEN statement and information Report, the accessibility plan and the SEND policy are all available below.  


Our SENCo is Mr Simon Poole 

Our Pastoral Support Worker and Attendance Officer is Ms Michelle Gilbert