School Leaders
School Leaders
School Council
At Henry Bradley Nursery and Infant School, we have a strong school council. Each class elects 2 members to be school councillors.
The school council meet every half term with Mrs O'Malley.
Their role in school is to:
- represent our school
- share their individual ideas of how to improve our school
- act as school buddies in the playground
- feedback to classes about decisions made in council meetings
- inform the council of their classes ideas and suggestions on topics discussed
- support our local community events
Playground Leaders
These children are also voted in by their class members. These children are changed half termly. These children have a significant responsibility in helping the adults keep everybody safe on the playground. If they see a child sat at the buddy bench, they will make sure they go over and see if they can help, they will also ensure that children are displaying our values whilst outside. The children will help to tidy up the playground and will make sure they let the adults know if anybody needs further help.