At Henry Bradley, our PSHE scheme is based on PSHE matters which is a PSHE scheme of work developed for primary schools in Derbyshire. PSHE Matters is designed to: •
- Provide a PSHE spiral curriculum that’s accessible to all •
- Ease teacher’s workload by providing creative ideas and links to resources
- Improve pupil’s emotional literacy
- Help pupils stay safe and healthy
- Support schools to meet statutory requirements for Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education (RSHE)
Although the curriculum is based upon the PSHE matters scheme of work, the lead has then personalised to our school linking the school's core values to the learning.
At Henry Bradley we believe that PSHE and RSE is important because they help children to become confident, healthy, independent, informed and active British citizens.
Our intent is;
- To enable our children to be able to express themselves, work co-operatively with and listen to others (Relationships)
- To develop an understanding of how to keep safe and healthy (Health and well-being)
- To make a contribution to school life (Living in the wider world)
The Henry Bradley PSHE and RSE Curriculum has been designed with six threshold concepts (our school values.)These underpin all PSHE teaching.
The values are;
Respect - I can be considerate towards everybody and everything
Confidence - I will have a go at anything and not be scared to get things wrong.
Responsibility - I can make the right choices independently.
Perseverance - I will keep trying even if I find something difficult.
Kindness - I can think of others
Aspiration - I try my very best in all that I do.
For further details, please see the Long Term Plan below.
For further information on RSHE, please see the separate tab on Relationship, Sex and Health Education