Who's Who
Meet Our Staff
Headteacher/ Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Tracy O'Malley
Deputy Head Teacher/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead/Class Teacher
Mrs Andrea Callaghan
Assistant Head Teacher/SENCo/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead/Class Teacher
Mr Simon Poole
Miss Dickens
Miss Buxton
Mrs Walsh
Miss Kirkland
Mrs Davey
Miss Wilson
Teaching and Learning Assistants
Mrs McGowan
Mrs Khalill
Mrs Allen
Mrs Hibbert
Ms Fleet
Mrs Pawley
Mrs Glover
Miss Brookes
Mrs Mullen
Mrs Hadden
Attendance Officer
Mrs Norton
Breakfast Club and After School Club Staff
Mrs Ludlam
Midday Supervisors
Ms Mullen
Mrs Thacker
Mrs Hadden
School Business Officer
Mrs Norton
Mr Harrison
Ms Herring
Open Door Policy
We operate an Open Door Policy which means that if at any point in your child's time at Henry Bradley you wish to talk to a member of staff, you can.
Depending on the nature of the topic you wish to discuss it may be suggested that you make an appointment. This will be to allow you to have a proper conversation with the teacher without other parents around or the teacher being bound by the school start or
finish times.