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Henry Bradley Infant School

Reach for the Stars

History of Our School

History of the School and Henry Bradley

There has been a school on this site for over 100 years.  The school was built and opened in 1904 and it was originally called Princess Street Infant School. It opened with 240 pupils attending.


At some point between 1945 and 1964 it's name changed to Henry Bradley Infant School. This was to honour Henry Bradley who was a co-author of The Oxford English Dictionary. He was born on the 3rd December 1845 and was a local resident of Brimington from 1846 -1859. He left Brimington when his family moved to Sheffield and subsequently he moved to Oxford. This move allowed him to further his work on the Oxford English Dictionary.  He was very well respected in the field of language and he was an accomplished linguist who spoke many different languages.  He was married and had a daughter named Eleanor. He died on 23rd May1923 after suffering a stroke. He is buried in St. Cross Churchyard, Holywell, Oxford.