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Henry Bradley Infant School

Reach for the Stars

Squirrel Class (Reception)

This is the newsletter for Spring Term (1) January 2025.

Welcome to our new Reception Starters! smiley


Our newsletter for this Autumn term is attached.

Summer 2 Newsletter

Summer term (1) Newsletter

During this term the children have been learning about plants and growing. They have read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and planted seeds. We certainly have had plenty of rain to water them! The children wrote instructions telling people how to grow a plant.🌷🌸🌻


At the very end of term we celebrated Easter. The Easter bunny came, we made hats for a competition and had a fun egg hunt 🐣

Spring Term 2 Newsletter

Spring 1 2024

Our wonderful children have been learning about some traditional stories this half term. We have focused upon Goldilocks, Red Riding Hood and The Gruffalo. The children have taken part in Chinese New Year celebrations and we had a trip to Tiny Town to help develop our language through role play.

Spring 1 newsletter

Autumn 2 2023

Theme: Celebrations



This half term we have enjoyed looking at different celebrations which have included Bonfire night, Halloween, Remembrance, Christenings, Birthdays, Weddings, Divali and Christmas. We also had a really enjoyable trip to the Pantomime "Oh yes we did!!!!". The children have also been continuing their phonics learning and have started to read and write words and simple sentences using the phonics we have learnt. Have a great Christmas break and we will look forward to seeing you all back in the New Year. 

Autumn 2 newsletter

Autumn term 2023 - Our new children are settling into school and making new friends.

Termly newsletter Autumn part 1 2023

Terms 5 and 6


We have had some great learning experiences. Amongst the highlights, we visited White Post Farm, had a whole school trip to Cleethorpes, celebrated the coronation of King Charles and had sports days.

The children  are now ready for Year One and it’s time for us to say goodbye πŸ‘‹. We have had a brilliant year with brilliant children and parents! 😁🌟🌟

Here's a video of George when he was trying to master the balance bike. Such perseverance! He can now ride a pedal bike beautifully! The journey to get to the end goal is important!


Still image for this video

Term 4

We have enjoyed working with a student teacher this half term. We have focussed upon traditional tales; The Enormous Turnip, Jack and the Beanstalk and Spring poetry.


The children have grown seeds, written instructions and looked closely at plants. We are developing a little outdoor garden in our FS2 outdoor space.

The weather was also unexpectedly snowy so we made the most of experiencing it! :-)

The children are now moving on with their learning. Here we've 'caught' them reading to dolls and writing beautifully as they were playing 'teachers'.

We have also learned about the story of Easter, celebrated by Christians. On the final day of term we had some fun wearing Easter bonnets and going on an egg hunt. The Easter bunny also left a special delivery for everyonesmiley

On World Book Day we all dressed up and enjoyed looking at books and doing book-related activities.

Term Three 


Making music. We are trying to keep in time with the beat of the music 🎡

Making simple repeating patterns

We have been reading traditional tales (The Gingerbread Man, Three Pigs and Goldilocks). We used this theme to help us with our learning.

Chinese New Year

Term Two

It’s  Christmas!! We all took part in the Nativity. This is a photo of our dress rehearsal.

Autumn Term (part 2)

We have been learning about different Celebrations this term, including weddings, birthdays, Remembrance, Bonfire Night and Christmas.


It was Bob's (our toy mouse) fifth birthday. We made sandwiches and buns (talking about healthy choices of food), wrapped presents (good for fine motor control), counted candles and wrote invitations and lists. It was such fun!

Our Reception classes have been learning about Diwali.


We have enjoyed spending time together getting to know each other and making new friends.πŸ™‚

Term One