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Henry Bradley Infant School

Reach for the Stars




At Henry Bradley, we aim to prepare our children for a rapidly changing technological world. Technology is everywhere and will play a pivotal part in student’s lives. Therefore we want to model and educate pupils on how to use technology positively, responsibly and safely through our computing lessons which meet the National Curriculum guidelines and through our wider curriculum. In this stand-alone subject, we aim for our students to become creators as well as consumers in the technological world, forming close bonds with science, mathematics and design and technology within our curriculum.


Through the use of Purple Mash, our curriculum encompasses computer science, information technology and digital literacy. Our knowledge rich curriculum is balanced with the opportunity for pupils to apply their knowledge creatively and develop their skills.  Our choice of Purple Mash was guided by the needs of our pupils for a comprehensive, inclusive and accessible programme that allows children to learn from both school and home with work saved online.  We greatly value the use of technology in a safe and respectful manner.