At Henry Bradley, we take safeguarding very seriously. The school has clear policies and procedures to safeguard and promote the welfare of young people.
Staff in school have a legal duty to report any concerns that they may have about the children and young people in their care; if they are concerned that the child may be suffering significant harm, particularly as a consequence of possible physical, emotional, sexual abuse or neglect. Every school in Derbyshire is required to follow a set procedure in cases of suspected child abuse.
All adults who regularly work on our site are required to undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check to prevent unsuitable people from working with pupils. All visitors are closely supervised when on site.
All adults, working with or on behalf of children, have a responsibility to protect them. However, our school has members of staff with special responsibility for Safeguarding and Child Protection
Safeguarding Team
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs O’Malley
Designated Safeguarding Deputy: Mrs Callaghan
Designated Safeguarding Deputy: Mr Poole
Safeguarding Governor: Mrs Khalill
The Child Protection Team in school undertakes regular training and is very experienced in dealing with all Safeguarding matters with professional confidentiality.
If any parent/carer has any concern about the safety of any child in school, please contact school and ask to speak to Mrs O’Malley, if I am not available, then contact Mrs Callaghan or Mr Poole- we are here to offer support and guidance. No confidential information should be passed on to anybody other than the safeguarding team above.
Alternatively ring Derbyshire County Council’ ‘Starting Point’ which is a service staffed by professionals who will listen, advise, and take action if necessary.
There is also lots of information on the Derbyshire Safeguarding board website:
For URGENT referrals ring: 01629 533190
For advice about a child ring: 01629 533353
If you are worried about your own mental health or feeling stressed then click the link below. This is a service called Qwell, they offer online counselling and well-being support for adults.
The school has policies on Safeguarding, Child Protection and Online Safeguarding that have been agreed by the governors. They can be found in the safeguarding tab under safeguarding policies and documentation.
Safeguarding policies are based upon policies and procedures upon Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership.