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Henry Bradley Infant School

Reach for the Stars

Our Governors

What do Governors do?

Together with the Headteacher, governors set the future direction for the School and decide how the School’s budget should be spent. Governing bodies make decisions collectively on matters such as performance targets, School policies, the School Improvement Plan and the School’s staffing structure. Governors monitor the impact of policies and oversee the use of the School budget. They report to the parents on the School’s achievements and respond to inspection recommendations. They hear appeals from pupils and staff and consider complaints. Governors provide the Headteacher with support and advice, drawing on their knowledge and experience. They ask searching questions but respect the Headteacher’s position as professional leader of the School.


Our Governors are below;


Governance Structure 

Due to the size of our governing board, we meet as a full governing board once a half term. There are no separate committees. 

The governors each have a link role to focus them in on key aspects of the school. Below is the structure of our governing board. 


Rev Daniel Cooke    Chair of Governors - Link Attendance Governor

Nichola Pawley         Parent Governor- Link Early Years Governor & Phonics Governor

Hannah Proctor        Parent Governor- Link Curriculum Governor

Lindsey Gill                 Parent Governor- SEND governor

Kerry Khalill               Coopted Governor- Link Safeguarding and Health & Safety Governor

Rachel Dickens           Staff Governor- Link Pupil Premium Governor




There are vacancies if anybody is interested in joining our governing board, please come and see us. 



Attendance Record 22-23 23-24