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Henry Bradley Infant School

Reach for the Stars




 At Henry Bradley we believe that all children can become historians. We believe that learning is a long term change to memory.  As a knowledge-engaged school, we ensure that knowledge underpins and enables the application of skills.  Both skills and knowledge are valued and are intertwined, offering a broad curriculum whilst ensuring depth of learning through repetition of the Big Ideas. An historian learns and understands the past from different sources of evidence in order to be a critical thinker of the world in which we live now. 

The intent of our curriculum reflect this;

i) To enable our children to develop their skills and knowledge to become independent and critical historians, asking questions and examining how the past has shaped societies and people.

ii) To be able to think critically about historical evidence.

iii) To widen the children’s ‘cultural capital’ so they have the vital knowledge to be informed and thoughtful members of their own community, the wider world and to understand British values.



The Henry Bradley History Curriculum has been designed with four threshold concepts in mind. These concepts are used to link the learning in each lesson, underpinning all of the children’s learning in history.

The threshold concepts for History are;

  • Interpreting the past
  • Building an overview of world history
  • Understanding chronology
  • Communicating historically.


For further details, please look at the long term plan below.