Ant Class (Y1/Y2)
Ant Class
In Ant class we believe in working together to collaborate and support each other, hence our name. We all want to give our best and we believe and support one another to help develop our learning. We aspire to want to be our best and know that as a team we can achieve our goals.
Useful information: P.E. is every Friday. The children will be rewarded with dojo's if they read at home and show me their reading records in the morning. Please try and read x3 a week with your child as this is SO beneficial to their development. All missed letters etc are hung up outside the class room door.
Useful websites and Information
We use Monster Phonics as our scheme. Here are some links and pdf's that will help support your children with their phonetic understanding and other aspects of their learning.
Monster Phonics
Term 1
Newsletter-Autumn 1
Term 1 Events and Learning

Aspiration Day
Term 2
Term 2 Learning

We have been learning lots of things this half term. A taster of this is above. We have learned about classification of animals into groups in Science, addition and subtraction in Maths, time adverbials in English, and lots of other learning in our foundation subjects, details of which can be found on our newsletter.
Christmas Performance Practice

Christmas Lunch
Santa Visit