Reception Starters 2024
Reception Transition (new to school Reception starters and our nursery Reception starters, look to see which events apply to your child)
Starting school, we know is a big deal, so we have made sure that we have a gradual process to support the transition. The details of these are below.
Children attend our Reception setting from a wide catchment area. Most children have previously attended our Nursery provision, but there are some who join us from other Nurseries. Our Reception staff work closely with each Nursery to obtain information about each child, wherever possible, we will go and visit the children in the Nursery settings (if you prefer this to a home visit) during the Summer term before starting in Reception.
Transition Events
Step 1:
Parent Information Session (this is for everybody- new to school and nursery Reception starters)
June 5th 5-6pm OR June 7th 9:15-10:15
This session will give you information about the organisation of your child’s day, uniform and other things that they may need, it will also give you opportunity to meet the staff and you will be told your child’s class at this event. You only need to attend one of these sessions, the content will be the same. We wanted to give you a choice of times/day to accommodate as many parents as possible.
Step 2:
Transition visit from the staff to your child (only for new to our school Reception starters)
If your child is at a setting, a member of staff will arrange with the setting to visit them there so they can see them in their familiar environment. If your child does not attend a setting, a home visit from the staff is also available to you to start building the relationship with you and your child. This is optional, but we believe this supports transition well. We will arrange this with you at the parent information session.
Step 3:
Stay and Play Session Wednesday 26th June 3:30-4:30 (only for new to our school Reception children to enable them to have some time in a small group with no other children)
We are holding a stay and play session in Reception. This is to give you and your child the opportunity to get to know their new setting and the staff in a smaller group. There will be refreshments available. We want you to make yourselves at home!
Step 4
Tuesday 2nd July 9:30-12pm – (New to the setting children ONLY, not Henry Bradley Nursery Children)
The new to our school children are invited to join us for the whole morning INCLUDING lunch to spend time in their new classroom with some of their new friends
Tuesday 2nd July 12:45- 3pm – (Henry Bradley Nursery Children ONLY)
The Henry Bradley Nursery children are invited to join their new class for the afternoon. If they are already at Nursery for that session, you don't need to do anything as they will be brought through to their new class, if they are not usually in Nursery that day/session, then please bring your child to the main entrance at 12:45 and we will take them into their new class. You will pick them up from the Reception yard as they will be staying in their new class all afternoon.
Step 5
Saturday 10th August- (ALL CHILDREN INVITED) 10am-12pm(this is for everybody- new to school and nursery Reception starters)
All of the new Reception children are invited to join us on a Saturday with their new teacher. This will give your child the opportunity to meet with other children that will be in their class and give you opportunity to speak and meet with the other parents. Refreshments will be available.
Monday 9th September
TODAY IS THE DAY! YOUR CHILD'S FIRST DAY AT SCHOOL! I know this is easier said than done but try not to worry, we promise to look after your baby!